Metalware of any complexity:
– prefabricated buildings;
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– between the stairs;
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– technological ladders;
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– railing;
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– canopies, etc..
Company LLC “Tula factory of fencing“ Grand-Fens”, provides a range of services: for design, project optimization, manufacturing, delivery and installation . All products of our company have an accompanying package. of documents. We confirm the quality of our products and work performed with a guarantee.
Prefabricated buildings
Pre-fabricated buildings are being constructed for: hangars, warehouses, production workshops, office buildings, sports complexes, shopping centers and pavilions, cultural exhibition centers, residential buildings, cottages, and more. dr .
The advantage of pre-fabricated buildings from metal structures are:
- – Low cost;
- – Saving on the foundation;
- – Speed and ease of assembly;
- – No shrinkage;
- – Weatherproof construction.
The walls and roof of the building are mounted by welding or bolted, it allows you to work at any time of the year, which undoubtedly speeds up the process. Due to light fencing and roofing elements, the load on the metal frame and the foundation is significantly reduced, which in turn reduces the cost of construction.
Buildings on bolted joints can be disassembled and transported to another location. Not large in size, single-storey pre-fabricated buildings can be installed without a foundation. Prefabricated buildings can have any interior and exterior decoration.
We will do the work qualitatively, quickly and on time.
Experienced specialists of LLC “TZO“ Grand-Fens ”, perform: design, manufacture, delivery and installation, thereby removing your problems related to the search for performers and carriers. We appreciate and save your time.
Order from us at Low Price!
Interfloor stairs
Any building with more than one floor needs a ladder. Metal interfloor staircase is the most practical, affordable and effective way to organize the movement between the floors of any structure.
The advantages of metal stairs:
- – Durability;
- – Low cost;
- – Ease;
- – Many designs;
- – Reliability;
- – Ease of manufacture;
- – seismic susceptibility
- – fire resistance, etc.
In fact, there are many more advantages, but this is enough to understand why metal stairs have become so widespread.
Metal stairs are of several types:
- – Low cost;
- – Saving on the foundation;
- – Speed and ease of assembly;
- – No shrinkage;
- – Weatherproof construction.
Our specialists have extensive experience in the manufacture of metal interfloor stairs, of any complexity and shape.
Technological stairs metalware
Depending on the equipment and its dimensions, technological platforms can be located on different tiers. In order to provide service personnel access to the process equipment, stairs are arranged.
If the height of the ladder exceeds 6 m., Or it is necessary to carry out the turn of the flight of stairs, in this case, the landing will be arranged. The width of the transition sites make equal the width of the marches. The sites are fastened with cantilever beams or brackets to the walls, columns of the building framework or supporting elements of the process equipment.
Stepladders are used when it is impractical to (rare operation is planned) </ em> or it is impossible to install ladders. The design of the ladder is formed from bowstrings, steps and fencing, while the inclination of the ladder is 90 °, width 600 mm and height from 2400 to 6000 mm. At the same time, the bowstring dimensions are usually 75 x 6, to which, in turn, steps are made of a rod with a diameter of 18 mm and a step of 300 mm.
The height of the railing is 900 mm, the pitch is from 600 mm. up to 1000 mm. Handrails and racks of railings can be made of the provided for this, a bent steel profile, a rectangular or square pipe, or of equal-leg corners. Intermediate strut to perform from the strip or corner.
Canopies metalware
Depending on the design, sheds are:
- – single (usually attached to the wall);
- – gable;
- – arched.
Coverage can be made of:
- – sheeting;
- – metal tiles;
- – polycarbonate.
To be sure of the reliability of the metal, order manufacturing from us.
Our experts will design, manufacture, deliver and assemble, quickly, efficiently and on time.